Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I have not been hiding - technically

I am back!
Perhaps you are wondering where I have been. The answer is . . . drum roll please . . . studying my tush off. This is my first semester in grad school, and it took me a little time to adjust to the new demands. Quite frankly, I didn't have the energy or inclination to post. But I now consider myself adjusted (mostly) and am eager to reconnect with all of you.
What have I missed?
What have you been doing, reading, watching, listening to?
What bloggie news do you have for me?
P.S. - this photo is from one of my favorite visual web sites.


  1. Trying to read The Other by J. Krakauer...the dude who wrote Into The Wild....had a bit of online drama on another site.... also it seems the subject of aging relatives has entered the pic.. Not mine, my FIL and rehabilitation facility ...Also my bf's dad passed away.... Getting old is not fun....Glad u are back...

  2. Hooray for finishing tests! I've been griping about car problems, teaching and eating a whole batch of peanut butter balls.


I love comments. I want to know what you think. Unless you are going to be mean to me - in which case, thanks but no thanks.